Protect the environment and our employees

In 2018, lead was put on the SVHC (“Substance of Very High Concern”) list of the REACH Regulation. In response to this, we at Miba developed “Generation 2”: a lead-free alloy that, with the help of a sulfur additive, is able to imitate the lubricating characteristics of lead. In the solution developed by Miba, dry lubricants take the place of lead.

What makes “Generation 2” so special is its high fatigue strength coupled with the robustness of lead-containing bronze. Not only does the completely lead-free product exert a low environmental impact, but it also helps protect the health of our manufacturing personnel. First prototypes have already been built and have aroused keen interest among our clients.

"The goal is to become entirely lead-free."
- Katrin Zorn, Head of Technology Competence Center, Miba Bearing & Coating