Manuel Pohn
R&D Engineer, Miba Sinter USA

How did you get to Miba?
I already noticed Miba during my days at the secondary technical school (HTL). When I finished my degree, I knew that I wanted to write my master’s thesis for – and mainly with – a global player. And during the master’s thesis, it became clear that once I graduated, I wanted to start my career at Miba.

How do you experience your opportunities at Miba?
Decisions about how projects will be carried out are mostly mine to make. I can contribute new ideas and considerations at any time. There is also time to pursue your own ideas. I am able to provide input into our personal development in the company – like when it comes to an international assignment or opportunities for continuing education. I like that.

When do you sense Passion for Success?
Very simple. When all departments work together on developing the right product for the customer, and the product is ultimately successfully brought to series production. Yet, even at that point, the project isn’t over – we continue to work on optimizing and improving.

What do you appreciate about Miba?
I appreciate the collegial and appreciative interaction between members of the team – where fun is also welcome. Almost every colleague is ready and willing to listen to concerns. We also meet up outside of the company for a variety of outings or bicycle tours.

This keeps my world turning...
No single day is like the other. Every day – whether professionally or personally – brings new challenges. The important thing is to accept them.