Loredana Epure
Production worker at Miba Frictec
Loredana Epure has been working at Miba Frictec in Roitham since 2018. Initially employed as a leasing employee, she was taken over by Miba on August 12, 2019, she exactly remembers the date.
"For me, Miba is like a second home. I enjoy coming to work.", she enthuses. Especially the team spirit makes Loredana enjoy going to work. At the beginning, for example, the school enrolment phase was very easy for her because everyone helped without even asking. This natural ability to support and be there for each other shows her how important teamwork is.
„Everyone helps everyone, then you can do anything. Helping each other is standard for us.“
Even now, in times of a crisis, people stick together - if not even more than before. The colleagues in quarantine are constantly being checked on and offered help, for example to run their errands. For Loredana and her team it is a matter of priority to support colleagues even in difficult and stressful times.
Production in particular is often seen as a male domain, but: the difference between men and women does not change anything about the collaboration. "We are fully respected and are treated equally," says Loredana.
Miba is like a big family for Loredana: "Because Miba is very family-friendly, in addition to my job as a mum, I can also do my job in production with full passion."