Miba AG expands Management Board

  • Norbert Schrüfer will be appointed CEO of the new Miba division, New Technologies Group as of February 1, 2011
  • F. Peter Mitterbauer, Jr., will take over the position of CEO of the Miba Friction Group and will move up to the Management Board of Miba AG
  • With the beginning of the 2011/12 business year, the Miba AG Management Board will consist of five persons

As of February 1, 2011, Norbert Schrüfer will be appointed CEO of Miba‘s new division, New Technologies Group. With the takeover of the Styrian manufacturers of performance electronics components, EBG and DAU, Miba has entered a new technology field and has established an additional division. The New Technologies Group will be the center of excellence for the further development of new technologies and business fields of Miba.

Concurrently, F. Peter Mitterbauer moves up to the Management Board of Miba AG. He will become CEO of the Miba Friction Group. Born in 1975, he is the grandson of company founder Franz Mitterbauer and has studied mechanical engineering and economics in Vienna. Following several professional stations at an automotive supplier and a producer of consumer goods, he accomplished an MBA program at Insead Business School in Fontainebleau and Singapore. In 2006 he began to work in the family company, where initially he was in charge of the creation and development of the Asian market on behalf of Miba in China. In 2008, he returned to Austria as Managing Director Sales & Marketing of the Miba Friction Group.

With the beginning of the 2011/12 business year, the Miba AG Management Board will consist of five persons. Peter Mitterbauer, Sr., will remain Chairman of the Management Board and CFO. Wolfgang Litzlbauer will continue to represent the Miba Bearing Group and the Coatings Division at the Board. Harald Neubert is CEO of the Miba Sinter Group. Norbert Schrüfer represents the new division, New Technologies Group, at the Board, and F. Peter Mitterbauer is the newly appointed CEO of the Miba Friction Group.