Completely unexpected, the war in Ukraine broke out a few days ago. A war that is causing a lot of suffering among the Ukrainian civilian population. "In such a dramatic situation, it is important to help immediately. Because if you help quickly, you are helping twice," says Miba CEO F. Peter Mitterbauer. The company is therefore donating 100,000 euros to the Red Cross Ukraine Relief Fund. "As a family business, we stand for very special, strong values," adds Mitterbauer. "It is therefore a matter of course for us to help immediately and effectively when there is such great humanitarian need as we are currently experiencing in Ukraine. To the people in Ukraine as well as to the hundreds of thousands who are fleeing from there. And we are also expressing our great hope that the war and all the suffering can soon be brought to an end."
Red Cross President Aichinger: "Miba makes enormous contribution to alleviate suffering".
"With this generous sum, the Miba company is making an enormous contribution to alleviating the suffering of people affected by the war. Every monetary donation sends a signal of humanity and solidarity. Companies that support humanitarian values are an essential part of a civil society that shows solidarity. I would like to express my sincere thanks for this," says Walter Aichinger, President of the Red Cross Upper Austria.
On the photo: Miba CEO F. Peter Mitterbauer and Upper Austrian Red Cross President Walter Aichinger at the donation handover.