"Together, we create a worldwide supplier of battery systems."

In the summer of 2019, Miba acquired a stake in Voltlabor, which later became Miba Battery Systems. Based in Bad Leonfelden, Upper Austria, the company specializes in the development and production of batteries. Ideally complementing one another, the skillsets of the two companies were pooled in order to leverage opportunities for growth. Their common objective is to create a major supplier for the development and production of battery systems that, headquartered in Austria, is operating globally.

Miba Battery Systems combines Voltlabor's comprehensive expertise as a manufacturer of integral battery systems with Miba's experience in the development and production of components. Miba makes its thermal management technologies for batteries available, which play a key role in ensuring the optimal function of the battery as a whole. In addition, Miba shares its expertise in the industrialization of production processes, access to customers and markets around the world, and its production facilities on four continents. Today, Miba Battery Systems produces cutting-edge technologies for resource-efficient products in its VOLTfactory in Upper Austria.