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Power electronics transform various types of electrical energy. The voltage level, frequency and the number of windings per string are adjusted. The areas of application for power electronics include aerospace, manufacturing and process automation, the generation and transmission of conventional and renewable energies, and electromobility.
Depending on the product group and type, Miba resistors are certified according to specific, recognized standards:
For information on the respective product certification, please refer to the data sheet, which is available as a PDF download on the respective product page.
In order to estimate the lifetime of electronic systems, a variety of thermal and mechanical measurement and calculation methods are used. With proportional operation, the service life of Miba resistors is more than 30 years.
The increasing individualization of products and the ever-growing share of power electronics require maximum flexibility in the production of different assemblies. Miba resistors are therefore manufactured according to individual customer requirements.
Miba Cooling manufactures heat sinks from the materials aluminum, stainless steel, copper and CuNiFe. Depending on the material, different cooling media are required for a water heat sink.
Depending on the respective requirements, the optimal cooling solution is selected. The possibilities are besides air cooling:
The performance depends on the following factors: