Miba Leadership Academy

Leading Business. Leading People. Leading Expertise.

Miba Leadership Academy has been associated with high quality global training for many years. As of now, however, the term will no longer only convey explicit leadership know-how, but will also focus on our experts. They are crucial for the further development of Miba. It also covers the former Miba Management Academy, now called Business Lab. After Leadership Lab, MLA participants have the chance to complete an MBA program at the Austrian Business School LIMAK.

Understanding the big picture. What drives you?


Business Lab

Graduates of the Business Lab have a better understanding on Miba, know about economical correlations and understand the tools of intercultural communication.


  • Goal: Foster entrepreneurship and Miba-identity
  • Target Group: Experts and (potential) leaders from different departments with thirst for knowledge
  • Selection: Career Management, Business nomination
  • Several intakes per year: 15 participants per intake
  • Duration: 1 intake = 2 modules, 5 days each in Austria

The Business Lab focuses mainly on the development of entrepreneurship. Participants get deep insights into Miba's core as well as new businesses – by meeting members of the Management teams or Board Members as well as visiting different plants. The program consists of two modules.



Module 1:

  • Cost Accounting & Controlling to get a deep understanding of key-performance indicators
  • Self-Management based on latest research on the human brain
  • Miba core businesses including plant visits and discussion with the management teams


Module 2:

  • Entrepreneurship & Business Simulation to foster the understanding of complex global business operations
  • Culture & Communication to improve the cross divisional thinking
  • Miba new businesses and Fire-Place Talk with the Miba board

Overview over the next intakes:

Leading the way to success. What drives you?


Leadership Lab

Graduates of the Leadership Lab are able and willing to develop into executive leadership positions in order to develop Miba strategically. They enable innovation and foster high-potential of company development.


  • Goal: Strengthen leadership skills and foster strategic thinking
  • Target Group: Leaders and Experts from different departments with potential for executive leadership and the clear ambition and willingness also for global assignments
  • Selection: Career Management, Board nomination, Development Center
  • 1 intake per year: 15 participants
  • Duration: 1 intake = 5 modules, 6 days each in Austria, China and USA

Cooperation with LIMAK

The program runs in cooperation with the Austrian Business School LIMAK. After successful completion of the Leadership Lab, MLA graduates fulfilling the approval have the chance to complete an MBA program at LIMAK.

Thomas Sailer
+43 7613 2541 2453
Nina Sporrer
+43 7613 2541-1332
