Miba SMC technology for prototype vehicles

With soft-magnetic powder pressed parts for electrical drive systems and traction engines, Miba offers new options for improving performance. The technology is being tested, for instance, in a prototype engine for the Johammer electric motorcycle.

In line with Miba’s vision “No power train without Miba technology”, Miba is placing greater focus on e-mobility. In this field, the development team at Miba Sinter Austria is pursuing a promising avenue with soft-magnetic powder pressed parts for electrical drive systems and traction engines.

“Our specific material and the special design make these engines smaller, lighter and significantly more powerful than other electric drive systems.” Quote by Christian Sandner, Senior Application Engineer, Miba Sinter Austria


30 percent more power

The Miba team developed new electric engines which use soft-magnetic components made of pressed SMC powder (soft-magnetic composite), allowing them to achieve a 30 percent higher power density than traditional machines. The special feature of the SMC material is that the individual particles of powder are coated with an electrically insulating layer. Due to the materials used, these electric engines possess the ability to carry the magnetic flux in three dimensions, the key to improving performance. The engines currently in advance development range in power from 600 W to 40 kW, and more is possible. SMC technology is now being tested and continually improved in prototypes of the Johammer electric motorcycle from Mühlviertel region, a cargo bike and a Skoda Roomster.

In these and other projects, the team of developers at Miba Sinter Austria relies on its strong network of external research partners.

Further information:

Austrian Institute of Technology: www.ait.ac.at
Automobil Cluster Oberösterreich: www.automobil-cluster.at
Electric Mobility for innovative freight logistics in Austria: www.emilia-project.at
Johammer E-Mobility: www.johammer.com
Linz Center of Mechatronics: www.lcm.at